Gay Guide Georgia

The age of consent for homosexuals and heterosexuals is 16. Georgia was the first country in the South Caucasus to legalise homosexuality when it joined the European Council. In May 2014, anti-discrimination laws were introduced to protect LGBT persons. Georgia also has the first LGBT organisation in the region and is known as the most open-minded country compared to its neighbouring countries. In Tbilisi, the capital of Georgia, there is even a small gay scene. However, LGBT organisations are often under pressure from the state. Moreover, the Orthodox Church has a strong influence in this conservative country. In 2012, violent clashes took place during a demonstration on the Day against Homophobia - 20 people demonstrated with self-painted banners for the rights of LGBT. Orthodox priests and their supporters blocked their way, prevented the demonstrators from proceeding and destroyed their banners.

Cities in Georgia


Location: South Caucasus
Initials: GEO
International country code: 995 (omit 0 from area codes)
International access code: 00
Language: Georgian, Russian
Currency: 1 Lari (GEL) = 100 Tetri
Population: 4,512,000
Capital: Tbilisi (Tiflis)
Religions: 84% Georgian Orthodox, 10% Muslim, 4% Armenian Apostolic
Climate: Moderate continental climate, hot summers, cool winters. In the mountains a continental climate with colder summers and winters. Subtropical by the seaside.
Important gay cities: Tbilisi (Tiflis)