Gay Guide Australia

Australia is a federal, parliamentary monarchy consisting of six states and two territories. The Australian states and territories each have their own regulations on the age of consent (it varies from 16 to 21 years) and anti-discrimination laws. More detailed information can be found in the introductory text of each state or territory. In some states, registered partnerships were already permitted, but were not recognised at federal level, and same-sex marriage was even prohibited by the Marriage Act of 2004. Following the failure of a bill to open marriage nationwide in 2012, gay marriage was allowed in the Australian Capital Territory in October 2013. The first same-sex couples were married in Canberra on December 7, 2013. There was a national referendum on opening marriage at federal level on 15 November 2017, which was supported by 61.6 per cent of the votes cast. The Australian people had spoken, but the result was not binding for parliament. Conservative Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull, however, promised to implement the marriage for all as quickly as possible, even against resistance from his party. He spoke of a great day for love and stressed that Australia had finally made it. On 29 November 2017, the Senate approved the opening of marriage, the House of Representatives voted on 7 December, with only four of the 150 MPs voting against. The new marriage law came into effect on 1st January 2018. The last state to allow joint adoption by married same-sex couples was Northern Territory in March 2018. Australia is a vast island continent the size of Europe and can offer gay holidaymakers an incredible variety of travel experience: fantastic beaches, wonderful rainforests, modern cities, skiing in winter and the "Red Centre" with landscapes unspoilt by any buildings and wonderful, almost endless blue skies. You will discover that the Australians are extremely friendly and hospitable people, always delighted to show their country to visitors.

States in Australia

New South WalesQueenslandTasmaniaVictoriaWestern Australia

Location: Oceania
Initials: AUS
International country code: 61 (omit first 0 from area code)
International access code: 0011
Language: English
Currency: 1 Australian Dollar (A$) = 100 Cents
Population: 22,891,000
Capital: Canberra
Religions: 44% Christians
Climate: The north is a tropical and the south a temperate zone. Temperate regions have 4 seasons and tropical areas only summer (wet) and winter (dry).
Important gay cities: Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane, Cairns & Perth

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