South & Latin America » Chile
Gay Guide Chile
In Chile, same-sex relationships have been legal since 1998. The age of consent for homosexuals is 18 - for heterosexuals it is 14. However, homosexual contacts may only take place in private, otherwise they are considered indecent behaviour and are punished. Since 1997, homophobia has decreased significantly in Chile, but according to a study by the University of Chile, it is still one of the most common forms of discrimination. A partnership law was signed by President Michelle Bachelet in April 2015 and same-sex partnerships have been recognised since 22 October of the same year. Since 2001, a development has begun in this country in the course of which homosexual men have become increasingly present in the media. Since many celebrities have come out in the media, a gay lifestyle is becoming more and more accepted. Santiago de Chile is also home to an increasing number of gay venues, such as bars, discos, saunas and hotels, a development also found in the north, centre and south of the country: mainly in La Serena, Viña del Mar, Valparaíso and Valdiva. There is only a Pride Parade in Santiago. The LGBT community made a remarkable step forwawrd in 2012 - but for a sad reason: In March, the 24-year-old gay man Daniel Zamudio was beaten up by neo-Nazis. He died three weeks later as a result of the violence of the attack. Since the case attracted a lot of media attention, politicians were forced to act and passed a law that clearly punishes "hate crimes" against homosexuals. Chile offers many tourist attractions for every taste. The north with its warm, sunny beaches all year round or the south with its rainy and cold weather, but unique beauty of nature. A standing recommendation for all visitors are the cities of Valparaíso, which is a World Heritage site, and Viña del Mar, where an international festival (Festival Internacional de la Canción) takes place each February.
Cities in Chile
Torres del Paine | Valparaíso |
Location: South America
Initials: CHL
International country code: 56 (omit 0 from area codes)
International access code: 00
Language: Spanish
Currency: 1 Chilean Peso (Chil$) = 100 Centavos
Population: 17,465,000
Capital: Santiago de Chile
Religions: 67% Roman Catholic
Climate: Santiago and central Chile are best in spring (Sep-Nov) or autumn (Feb-Apr). Parque Nacional del Paine and the lakes region are best in summer (Dec-Mar).
Important gay cities: Santiago de Chile