Asia » Lebanon
Gay Guide Lebanon
Although gay sex is illegal, Lebanon has a traditional bisexual culture. Gay relationships usually exist between real gay men and bisexuals. Saunas/ Hammams are one of the places where such interactions can take place. None of the places listed here openly claim to be gay oriented, however action among clients is possible and masseurs provide extra-services if needed. Masseurs are usually rent boys, providing paid services while expecting a good tip. Condoms are not provided in any of the saunas, so bring your own condoms with you. Shahrazade is a sauna frequented by gay men, and is located in Beirut. Al Abed (a traditional bath house) is the oldest of its kind in Lebanon and located in the northern city of Tripoli, Lebanon's second most important city.
Cities in Lebanon
Beirut | Tripoli |
Location: Middle East
Initials: LBN
International country code: 961 (omit 0 from area code)
International access code: 00
Language: Arabic
Population: 4,425,000
Capital: Beirut
Religions: 59% Muslim, 40% Christian
Climate: Mediterranean climate. Winters are mild to cool and wet, summers hot and dry. The mountains experience heavy winter snowfall.
Important gay cities: Beirut
Top Saunas
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