Gay Guide El Salvador

The smallest country in South America logically has a small gay scene. The three saunas in San Salvador, the capital, are simple in design but are popular and here is is guaranteed not difficult to make contacts with the locals.

Cities in El Salvador

San Salvador

Location: Pacific coast of Central America
Initials: SLV
International country code: 503 (no area codes)
International access code: 00
Language: Spanish
Population: 6,297,000
Capital: San Salvador
Religions: 60-70% Catholic, 25-30% Protestant
Climate: Tropical climate. The best time to visit is in the dry season (Nov-Apr).
Important gay cities: San Salvador

Top Saunas

Central Escalator (CE SAUNA)

CENTRAL ESCALATOR-CE Sauna HK – Culture Fusion in the heart of Central Lan Kwai Fong and Soho city Centre, Friendly & No-attitude. Personal lockers for guests and private rooms with sling... more


Completely rebuilt in summer 11. Offers bio and dry sauna, a large steam sauna, foam bath and whirlpool. Large and comfortable cubicles. Friendly staff... more


The gay sauna OXYDO opened in October 2015 in the middle of the city of Strasbourg. 4 words well describe this amazing place: Convivial, Original, Clean and Kinky... more