Asia » Pakistan
Gay Guide Pakistan
Homosexual activities are illegal and can be punished with up to ten years in prison. In addition, Islamic law, which was reintroduced in 1977, threatens corporal punishment with 100 whiplashes or even death by stoning. In publicly known cases, however, harassment and blackmail by the police were more common than prison sentences. Despite strict Islamic regulations concerning public morality, gays, transvestites and transsexuals in Pakistan live relatively unchallenged by the police and authorities. However, they cannot expect much protection. With the new Transsexual Protection Act of 2018, the situation for the transsexual community has improved. In addition to the right to have the gender officially recognised and have respective surgery, they were also given the right to be considered as heirs by relatives and elected into public office. Although the population and families are in no way positive about homosexuality, they are tolerant enough to accept it - as long as it does not happen in public. There is therefore no gay movement, although there is constant demand to find out more about newsgroups than to organise them. As in other Islamic countries, in Pakistan's larger cities, chats or social media in Internet cafés and mobile phone apps like Tinder are being used to make contact. The subject of homosexuality is a popular, but rather embellished part of traditions and representations. Prostitution is forbidden, but is hardly hidden from the wary eye. Cruising takes place mostly at bus terminals, train stations and main roads even far outside the larger towns, especially at truck stops. Here, one can also find prostitutes.
Cities in Pakistan
Lahore |
Location: South Asia
Initials: PAK
International country code: 92 (omit 0 from area code)
International access code: 00
Language: Urdu (official), Punjabi, Sindhi, English
Currency: 1 Pakist. Rupie (pR) = 100 Paisa
Population: 179,160,000
Capital: Islamabad
Religions: 95% Muslim
Climate: The best time for visiting the southern parts is between Nov-Apr. Northern areas are best from May-Oct.