Mkuze - KwaZulu Natal » Ghost Mountain Inn
Situated beneath the legendary Ghost Mountain in Northern KwaZulu Natal, this country inn and spa offers a variety of wildlife, cultural safaris and boat rides in the vicinity.
open: All year; single rooms from ZAR 1,230-2,975, doubles from ZAR 1,640-2,990; breakfast from 6-10h; number of rooms: 50
- Air conditioning
- Bar with full range of alcoholic beverages
- Internet access
- Parking available
- Guestrooms with Balcony
- Guestrooms with television
- Outdoor seating, terrace or garden
- Swimming pool
- Steam bath
- Massage on offer
- Work-out equipment available
- Extensive wine list
- Reservation advisable
- Free WiFi
Gay Map Ghost Mountain Inn

Gay Hot Spots
Palm Springs
This is a desert oasis which offers something for everyone. Palm Springs is only two hours drive from Los Angeles and has long been a popular getaway for Californians as well as gay men from all over the US... more