Set in the heart of Siem Reap town, The Aviary is a sophisticated urban oasis that has been inspired by nature and Cambodia's rich heritage of traditional crafts. This 25-room eco-friendly hotel is a relaxing sanctuary filled with locally commissioned artworks, which celebrate the beauty and diversity of the Kingdom's birdlife. Luxurious, welcoming and personal, offering thoughtfully designed, quality accommodation in a modern environment with a uniquely Cambodian twist. 400 meters, only 5 minutes walk from the Pub Street and all gay bars.

open: All year; rooms from US$ 85-160; breakfast from 7-10.30h; number of rooms: 25

  • Air conditioning
  • Bar with full range of alcoholic beverages
  • Internet access
  • Non-smoking area
  • Parking available
  • Guestrooms with Balcony
  • Guestrooms with television
  • Showers
  • Outdoor seating, terrace or garden
  • Swimming pool
  • Massage on offer
  • Daily menu
  • Vegetarian meals on the menu
  • Extensive wine list
  • Free WiFi


The Aviary Hotel
The Aviary Hotel

Gay Map The Aviary Hotel

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Gay Hot Spots

New York

New York (also known as the Big Apple) offers an amazing choice, whether it be gay bars, dance clubs or simply shopping. The city, with the history of Stonewall, has a lively LGBT community and it is not without reason that New York is known as the city that never sleeps... more


Berlin is certainly always worth a visit. But it is also gaining in popularity as a place to live amongst people from all around the world. Berlin is not only one of the least expensive metropolitan cities, but also increasingly turning into Europe's gay capital... more


Paris is famous for its breathtaking architecture and cultural lifestyle, thanks to the many museums and theatres as well as the romantic historical centre on the river Seine... more