Vilnius » Comfort Hotel LT
Not gay but a great hotel with 200 guestrooms, a modern restaurant and bar, four inspirational meeting rooms and a 24-hour gym.
open: All year, 24hrs; rooms from EUR 48; breakfast Mon-Fri from 7-10, Sat & Sun 8-11h; number of rooms: 200
- Bar with full range of alcoholic beverages
- Internet access
- Parking available
- Guestrooms with television
- Shop
- Work-out equipment available
- Meals. Extensive menu available
- Reservation advisable
- Free WiFi
Gay Map Comfort Hotel LT

Gay Hot Spots
Fort Lauderdale
Ft. Lauderdale has become a gay-vacation Mecca. It is home to a large gay community, the local government is gay-friendly and a growing number of businesses cater to gay tourists... more