Restaurants - Church Street Garage

Open daily for breakfast, lunch and dinner. Great quality food and excellent service.

open: Mon-Thu 11-2, Fri - Sun 9-2h

  • Gay and lesbian mixed crowd
  • Parking available
  • Daily menu
  • Meals. Extensive menu available

Gay Map Church Street Garage

Top Going Out


Large café and restaurant on two floors in the gay area. Very popular, outdoor seating in summer. Eating and drinking around the clock. English menu. more

Ben Wei

The outstanding food is the most important reason for visiting this fabulous eatery, but add the friendly staff and stunning decor to the mix and it’s no wonder that this place is so popular. more

00 (Zero Zero)

Mostly gay on Sun, best night, great music (mostly Funk and House). Entrance fee on Thu from 22h, and Sun from 20h. more

Gay Hot Spots


Mykonos is a truly unique island, combining the warmth, beauty and hospitality for which Greece is famous for with a whole host of gay venues to suit all tastes and ages... more

New York

New York (also known as the Big Apple) offers an amazing choice, whether it be gay bars, dance clubs or simply shopping. The city, with the history of Stonewall, has a lively LGBT community and it is not without reason that New York is known as the city that never sleeps... more

Fort Lauderdale

Ft. Lauderdale has become a gay-vacation Mecca. It is home to a large gay community, the local government is gay-friendly and a growing number of businesses cater to gay tourists... more